Plant Cultivation

How to Turn A Hermie Back into A Female [Full Guide]

How to Turn A Hermie Back into A Female

All-In-One Guide on How to Turn A Hermie Back into A Female

While appreciating the gorgeous bloom of your cannabis, strange things happen. Besides the female flowers which have pistils that stick out from the center, you also notice male cannabis plants which have small balls that contain pollen sacs. What’s wrong with it? The answer is quite simple, you are seeing a hermaphrodite plant. In case you don’t know, cannabis hermies tend to produce less strong buds and lower weed yields because they divert resources away from bud production to the development of male flowers and self-pollinate. And that’s why some growers want to turn a hermie back into a female. 

In this post, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about how to turn a hermie back into a female. Unlike solving other planting issues, reversing hermaphrodite plants can be more complex to handle and may bring up some judicial issues. So, grab your attention, and let’s get started. 

hermaphrodite plant

Table of Contents

Is It Possible to Reverse Hermaphrodite Plants to Female

From a botanical and horticultural level, yes. However, from a legitimacy level, not necessarily possible, depending on which region you are in. 

Although cannabis cultivation is allowed in some countries, it is illegal in many jurisdictions to manipulate the gender of a plant for good reasons - to protect the natural environment, prevent genetically modified organisms, and maintain ethical standards. Therefore, before reversing the gender of hermie plant in flower, it’s strongly suggested to learn the legal framework surrounding plant cultivation and manipulation in your region. 

As long as you are 100 percent sure it’s legal to do so, it is possible to reverse hermaphrodite plants back to female plants by removing the male flowers or pollen sacs from the hermie cannabis, a process known as the reversion. However, it is important to note that the success of reversion depends on several factors, such as the stages of plant growth, the severity of hermaphroditism, and the specific strain of the plant.

How Do I Turn A Hermie Back into A Female [Proceed with Caution] 

Once upon a time, there was one popular product named Dutch Master Reverse that was widely known for its powerful ability to not only reverse hermies, but to also stop them from being produced in the first place. Unfortunately, this strong chemical is very dangerous. It is carcinogenic and can poison the liver, and even cause infertility in humans. As a result, it’s banned, for good reasons though. With that being said, what else can you try to turn a hermie back into a female? 

Pluck the Male Flowers & Pollen Sacs Manually 

For hermie cannabis, it will take weeks for the male pollen sacs to get ready for flowering and spew out that pollen. Therefore, if you can identify and eliminate them early enough, you can save your cannabis. Here’s how to process it in detail: 

Step 1. Identify the male flowers or pollen sacs on the hermie cannabis plant. They typically grow in clusters and have small round balls (pollen sacs) that contain pollen. These balls may be green or yellow and feel firm to the touch. On the contrary, female flowers will have small and white pistils. 

Read Also: What Does a Weed Plant Look Like

female plant vs male plant

Step 2. Carefully remove the male flowers or pollen sacs from the plant by plucking them one by one. While doing so, you can wet the sacs down to avoid further chances of pollination happening. 

Step 3. Monitor the plant closely to ensure that no new male flowers or pollen sacs develop. Hermaphroditic traits can be caused by stress factors, such as light leaks, grow room temperature and humidity control, or nutrient imbalances. Identify and address any stress to prevent the development of new male flowers.

Hopefully, you can turn hermie weed plant flowering into a female one by implementing the steps above. 

Conclusion on Reversing Hermaphrodite Plants

After reading this post, you should know how to turn a hermie back into a female by following the tutorial provided. However, although you may turn hermie cannabis into a female one by plucking all male flowers, the most recommended method when faced with hermies is to cut them off immediately before giving them any chance to affect the rest of your buds. 

FAQs about How to Turn A Hermie Back into A Female

  • Can you reverse hermaphrodite plants?

Yes, by plucking all male flowers and pollen sacs thoroughly and carefully, you stand a chance to reverse hermie cannabis to female. 

  • How do you fix a hermaphrodite plant?

The most effective way to fix a hermie plant is to cut the hermie bud off as soon as you spot any signs of male flowers. In that case, the rest of your plants have the chance to stay unharmed. 

  • Can you get feminized seeds from a hermaphrodite?

Yes, it is possible to get feminized seeds from a hermaphrodite plant, but don’t expect much about the seed quality. If you want to produce high-quality seeds, it's best to start with high-quality female plants or purchase female cannabis seeds

  • What can you do with hermie buds?

The best shot with hermie buds is to eliminate them all once spotted. However, if you want to try at least to save them, you can pluck male flowers and pollen sacs carefully and see if the buds turn into female ones.  


About Ciki

Ciki has been navigating the digital world of SEO for over 4 years, applying her expertise originally in the software sector before turning her attention to indoor gardening. Merging her tech-savvy background with a passion for nature, Ciki offers a unique perspective on gardening, blending modern techniques with time-honored traditions.

15 thoughts on “How to Turn A Hermie Back into A Female [Full Guide]

  1. Lyandro says:

    Hi, I have 2 Lebanese landrace plants. They are very dense and bushy and I found that one has definitely hermied due to light leaks with a few sacs appearing on the lower branches. But due to the dense foliage and SGROG net I can’t check the whole thing and can’t pull all the open sacs off. It’s pollenated itself and the other one but not all buds are growing seeds.
    Will it continue to grow new sacs if I maintain strict 12/12 lighting?
    If I pluck the immature seeds from the buds, will the plants return to focusing on developing the trichomes & resin?

  2. Louise Savage says:

    Hi, I have a Bob Hope clone. When I transplanted it outside I put a bit too much fertilizer in the dirt. The leaves that were growing looked very different than what they were. I wish I could include pictures but not sure how. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I topped the plant off and now it looks like it should. Should I get rid of it? I don’t want to ruin my neighbors plants. It had quite a lot of buds before I topped it but they look like males. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Ciki says:

      Hi Louise,

      Can you identify if they are male or female? Before any suggestions I think you shuold identify that. We have another post to help you:

  3. Lituplady says:

    I had a massive grow in which almost all became hermies. The weed on one plant was some of the most beautiful buds I’ve ever seen and I thought it smoked ok. But my OG growing buddy told me it probably wasn’t worth it to plant any of the seeds from it. Shame because it was real nice looking and like I said, I got blazed! Lol 😆 I never took the ball sacks off though! He never mentioned doing that! I think it was maybe too late in the growing cycle.

  4. Emily Lussier says:

    I have never grown but want to start can anyone tell me how to start the seeds what’s the best soil to use how often do u water what temperature do they have to be at can that temperature fluctuate please give me feedback I would gratefully appreciate it 😊

    1. Ciki says:

      Hi Emily,

      Sure! We have another article explaining how to germinate weed seeds:

    2. Sammy Pries jr says:

      Take your seed and place it in a paper towel for a period usually about two days or so, when you see the main tap root show,you then put that into some nice grade A soil and water it but not so much! Just water around the base so the water only gets absorbed through the root zones only !! Then the plant will basically tell you when she’s hungry, let the soil kinda dry up a bit and water it adequately from there in!! So keep that lady under a light cycle and don’t mess it up man! You’re going to want to do 18/6 and make sure
      u keep the schedule the same, cannabis don’t like changes much! Unless it benefits her! 😂 but hey. Man good luck to you I hope this helped!! I know it’s an older three

  5. Kurt says:

    I took my hermy plant outside to die after I picked all the seeds off. Now it is flourishing in the outside with plenty buds and pistils. So I guess it has converted to female..looking good!

    1. Ciki says:

      Good to hear that!

    2. Penny says:

      Can someone please tell me How to stop the Hermes? I am cutting branches every day and I can’t seem to stop it. It is a female plant, but every day there’s quite a few branches that are seed buds. What am I doing wrong?

  6. Srebro says:

    Hi guys! I m happy to find this blog. I have 4 northern lights auto from royal queen seeds bank in my tent. And today they are 5 full weeks from sprouting. In 2nd week I made mistake with overwatering with two plants but they get back. In second and third week a take of few fan leaves that cover lower branches. Yesterday, I find out that one of theese two (that I f*cked up with overwatering) have few pollen sacs and I take them off immediately.
    I never have a hermie by far and I don t want to kill it.. should I be worried? Should I move it out from my growing room..? Or just be careful in next few weeks and take off every new pollen sacs.. Did anyone have that problem? What you suggest?

  7. jerry cunningham says:

    On the hermaphrodites when I first see them should I cut the ball sacks as soon as I see them or give a little while for the plant to get a little older so it does not die

    1. Ciki says:

      Hi Jerry,

      It’s hard to say when should you remove the male pollen sacs. From a more general point of view, which is also what this post delivers, you should get rid of them as soon as possibe. However, growers on the forum do encounter situations where these hermies ‘naturally’ turn to female without human intervention. Maybe you can look up some info about the strain before making the decision. Good luck!

  8. jerry cunningham says:

    I grew my own seeds I breeded but when I went to go grow my new seeds which I waited a little while to grow them every single one I’ve planted has turned into a hermaphrodite so I waited another year plan it again hermaphrodite again and I’ve got a lot of them so I don’t know why that has happened maybe you might know

    1. Ciki says:

      It seems there’s something wrong with the seeds you bred. They all had a hermie gene.

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