Plant Cultivation

How Much Weed Does One Plant Yield [Analysis & Tips]

Explore How Much Does One Weed Plant Yield & Boost Harvests

Cannabis is one of the most widely grown plants in the world, as more countries and states allow for cultivating it for different purposes. Understanding how much weed does one plant yield is critical for every grower who wants to maximize their harvest and produce high-quality buds. 

In this discussion, we will examine the average yield of indoor and outdoor cannabis plants and explore factors that have an impact on weed plant yield. Plus, you’ll find tips for maximizing yield effectively. 

Table of Contents

Cannabis Plant Produce: Average Yield per Plant 

Cannabis yield, typically measured in weight, such as grams or pounds, refers to the dry weight of the harvested buds, rather than the weight of the entire plant or the wet buds. By measuring the yield of dry buds, you can get a more accurate assessment of the amount of usable cannabis. 

dried cannabis medical marijuana

Depending on a wide range of factors, say, genetics, temperature, light, water, nutrient, etc., which we’ll cover in the next part, there can be quite a difference in how much does one marijuana plant produce. Possibly, you can gain 1-2 ounces of yield, 4 ounces, or even more than 6 ounces of harvested buds, or unfortunately, you end up gathering stunted and micro-alike buds. 

No one can assure you how much weed does one plant yield, but if you grow the weed with 100% of everything it requires to thrive, the yield is still under control. We’ve classified general rules of thumb for estimating potential yields for indoor growing vs outdoor growing and hydroponic vs soil growing.

Indoor Growing with Soil Cultivation 

Indoor marijuana growers usually equip the cannabis setup with professional grow light such as LED grow lights. Therefore, one general rule of expected yield is to harvest one gram of cannabis for every watt of light. 

For example, if you have two weed plants flowering inside a grow tent containing a 1000-watt LED panel, you can expect a maximum yield of 1000 grams per plant (or 2.2 pounds) if everything is done perfectly. Therefore, with two plants, the total potential yield would be 2000 grams (or 4.4 pounds) of dried cannabis buds.

Indoor Growing with Hydroponics System 

The hydroponics system is believed to increase yields by 40-50% more than soil-grown cannabis. That’s to say, based on the yield above, you can expect 40-50% more. For one weed plant grown in the hydroponics system with a 1000-watt LED panel producing light, you can harvest 1400-1500 grams (or 3.08 to 3.3 pounds) of the dried buds. 

Outdoor Growing with Soil Cultivation 

Compared with indoor growing, outdoor growing tends to have more uncontrollable factors and therefore is more difficult to predict and control the yield. A typical yield per outdoor cannabis plant can range from 1 to 3 pounds of dried cannabis buds. However, some growers may be able to achieve higher yields, while others may experience lower yields due to factors such as weather patterns and the presence of pests or disease.

What Determines Weed Yield 

As you can tell, it’s not easy to achieve and maintain high yields since there are just so many factors affecting your plant growth. In this part, we’ll dive in to have a closer look at them. 

Strain Genetics

The genetics of the strain you're growing can play a significant role in determining the final yield. Some strains naturally produce more buds than others, and some strains are more resistant to pests and diseases. To name some high-yielding cannabis strains, Green Crack, Northern Lights, and Big Bud are all worth considering. 

Growing Medium

As the substance in which your cannabis plants will grow and develop their root systems, the growing medium can impact the yield of your cannabis plants as well. It’s suggested to use high-quality soil with the right organic matter and balanced nutrient content, or well-set hydroponics systems if you have enough budget. 

Nutrient Quality

Providing your plants with the right nutrients and fertilizers is essential for producing a high yield. Otherwise, you’ll be faced with unexpected situations. For example, Cal Mag deficiency can cause weak stems, yellow and brown leaves, and cannabis leaves curl up or down

yellow to brown leaves curl up


No need to stress the importance of light for cannabis growth here. Just remember to provide your weed plants with adequate growth light spectrum during each stage of growth. For a safer bet, use a full-spectrum LED growth light such as Spider Farmer SF1000

Temperature & Humidity

The temperature and humidity levels in your grow space significantly impact the health of your plants and their yield. Ideal temperature and humidity levels vary depending on the growth stage of the plant, which you may refer to the grow room temp and humidity chart below. 

humidity and temperature for different stage

Growing Techniques

When cannabis develops into the vegetative stage, growers try training and pruning to increase yield, as well as some other growing techniques including the following ones. 

  • Sea of Green (SOG): SOG involves growing many small plants in a confined space and inducing them to flower quickly. SOG is popular because it allows growers to maximize their yield in a limited space, and they can get a fast turnaround time. SOG can produce yields of up to 1 gram per watt of light.
  • Screen of Green (SCROG): SCROG involves training cannabis plants to grow through a screen or netting to create a horizontal canopy of buds. SCROG maximizes light penetration, leading to larger yields of high-quality buds. SCROG can produce yields of up to 1.5 grams per watt of light.
  • Low-Stress Training (LST): LST involves manipulating the shape of the plant through bending and tying to encourage lateral growth and a more even canopy. LST can help increase yield and improve light penetration, leading to larger buds. LST can produce yields of up to 1 gram per watt of light.
  • High-Stress Training (HST): HST involves aggressive pruning, topping, and other methods to increase bud sites and promote growth. HST can lead to larger yields, but it requires experience and careful attention to avoid damaging the plant.
  • Topping: Topping involves cutting off the top part of the main stem to encourage bushier growth and more bud sites. To better make use of this technique, check the post here: When to Top Weed Plants?

Additionally, pest and disease control and harvest timing can also determine the ultimate yield. 


On average, indoor growers can expect a yield of 4-6 ounces per plant, with experienced growers being able to achieve even more. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates and actual yields can vary widely based on many factors. By optimizing the growing conditions and techniques, as well as selecting the right strains, growers can maximize their yield and produce high-quality cannabis.

FAQs about How Much Weed Does One Plant Yield

  • How much bud does one plant produce?

On average, an indoor-grown cannabis plant can produce 1-2 ounces of dried bud, although the actual yield depends on multiple factors. 

  • What is the average yield per plant 600W?

If you have one weed plant flowering inside the grow tent which contains a 600-watt LED panel, by the rule of one gram per watt of light, the expected yield is 600 grams per plant in dry buds. 

  • Do bigger pots mean bigger buds?

Not necessarily. While the size of the pot can affect the overall size of the plant, it's not the only factor that determines bud size. But if all other factors are kept constant and optimal, using a larger pot is possible to result in a slightly larger yield and bigger buds. 

  • Can I harvest one bud at a time?

Technically, yes, you can harvest one bud at a time if you want to. However, it's not recommended as it can be inefficient and time-consuming. Instead, it's best to wait until the majority of the buds are mature and ready for harvest before cutting down the entire plant, which allows you to maximize your yield and minimize the amount of time spent on the harvest process. 

Properly stored weed can last for up to a year or even longer without losing potency. However, as time passes, the THC content can gradually degrade, resulting in a less potent product.


About Ciki

Ciki has been navigating the digital world of SEO for over 4 years, applying her expertise originally in the software sector before turning her attention to indoor gardening. Merging her tech-savvy background with a passion for nature, Ciki offers a unique perspective on gardening, blending modern techniques with time-honored traditions.

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