Plant Cultivation

Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow, Why & What to Do?

Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow

Why Are My Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow 

Money trees, known scientifically as Pachira aquatica, are popular indoor plants due to their aesthetic appeal and supposed financial luck-bringing properties in feng shui. However, money tree yellow leaves are definitely not a sign of fortune. Why are my money tree leaves turning yellow? What should I do to maintain the health and beauty of my money tree? This post will answer all. 

Table of Contents

Excessive Sunlight

Like most indoor plants, money trees thrive in bright, indirect sunlight but can be damaged by excessive direct sunlight. When exposed to too much direct sunlight, the leaves can become scorched, leading to yellowing and browning money tree leaves as a stress response. This is because the intense light and heat exceed the plant's photosynthesis capabilities, causing damage to the leaf tissues. 

To mitigate this, it's best to place the money tree in a location where it can receive plenty of light without being directly under the sun’s rays. For example, using sheer curtains to diffuse direct sunlight or placing the plant a few feet away from south or west-facing windows can help manage overwhelmed light exposure.

money tree leaves

Significant Temperature Changes

Money trees prefer a stable environment with consistent temperatures. They are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, which can occur near drafty windows, doors, or heating and cooling vents. Such fluctuations can stress the plant, leading to money tree yellowing leaves as the plant tries to adapt to the varying conditions.

Ideally, money trees should be kept in an environment where the temperature is consistently between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Protecting the plant from drafts and avoiding placement near heat sources or air conditioning units will help maintain a stable temperature conducive to its health.


Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes plant owners make, particularly with houseplants such as money trees. These plants are susceptible to root rot if the soil remains wet for too long. Overwatered roots struggle to function properly, leading to poor absorption of nutrients and water, which in turn causes the leaves to yellow and wilt. 

The best way to water a money tree is to allow the top layer of the soil to dry out completely before watering again. This can typically mean watering less frequently than one might expect - often once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the humidity and temperature conditions of the environment. Also, using a pot with adequate drainage and checking the moisture level of the soil before watering can help prevent overwatering. 

why is my money tree leaves turning yellow

Low Humidity Level

Money trees prefer environments with high humidity, around 50-60%. In conditions with lower humidity, the plant can experience stress, which often manifests as yellowing leaves. The lack of moisture in the air makes it difficult for the plant to maintain its internal water balance, leading to dehydration. This dehydration affects the plant's ability to perform photosynthesis effectively and transport nutrients through its system, which can further lead to yellowing and drooping leaves.


To ensure your money tree gets enough humidity to thrive indoors, you can lightly mist your money tree with water. Alternatively, a plant humidifier is one of the most effective ways to raise the humidity in the environment. This can be particularly helpful during winter when indoor heating systems tend to dry out the air.

Natural Aging 

Sometimes it’s all about the lifespan. Natural aging is a normal and unavoidable process that affects all living plants, including money trees. As money trees mature, it's natural for older leaves to turn yellow and eventually drop off. This process allows the plant to redirect its energy and resources towards supporting newer, healthier growth. Therefore, if you notice yellowing money tree leaves and new leaves sprouting at the same time, don’t worry about it. 

Can Yellow Leaves Turn Green Again

Sadly, once money tree leaves turn yellow, they generally do not turn green again. Yellowing is a sign that the leaf cells have degraded or are lacking key components like chlorophyll. When leaves turn yellow due to factors such as water stress, or natural aging, this process is usually irreversible for the affected leaves.

Instead of trying to revert the yellow leaves to green, you’d better focus on identifying and addressing the underlying cause of the yellowing to prevent further leaves from turning yellow, which we’ve explained in detail. 


Caring for a money tree, or Pachira aquatica, involves more than just providing water and sunlight; it requires understanding the specific needs and common issues that can lead to problems like money tree leaves turning yellow. As we've discussed, factors such as excessive sunlight, sudden temperature changes, overwatering, low humidity, and natural aging all play significant roles in the health of your plant. By identifying the exact cause of yellow leaves, you can take targeted actions to mitigate the issue.


About Ciki

Ciki has been navigating the digital world of SEO for over 4 years, applying her expertise originally in the software sector before turning her attention to indoor gardening. Merging her tech-savvy background with a passion for nature, Ciki offers a unique perspective on gardening, blending modern techniques with time-honored traditions.

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